Mag. Ulrike Fornwagner

Universität Wien

Institut für Urgeschichte und Historische Archäologie
Franz-Klein-Gasse 1
1190 Wien
T: (+43) 01 4277 40488


Areas of Interest

Aerial archaeology, Airborne remote sensing, integrated archaeological interpretation of prospection data


Further Information

Ulrike Fornwagner im Personalverzeichnis der Universität Wien (weitere Informationen, Lehrveranstaltungen)


Education and Training

Currently PhD studies on integrated archaeological interpretation of remote sensing and geophysical prospection data at the Department of Prehistoric and Historical Archaeology, University of Vienna


International Technical Workshop Remote Sensing Techniques in Archaeological Research (RESTAR), IMS – F.O.R.T.H., Rethymno

Since 2011 

Associated Fellow at the IC-ArchPro, University of Vienna


Socrates Erasmus Intensive Program RESPAL (Remote Sensing for Past Landscapes), Department of Archaeology, University of Ljubljana

2004    Mag. Phil. in Classical Archaeology and combined studies of Prehistoric and Early Historic Archaeology, Ancient History and English and American Studies at the University of Vienna


Research Positions and Projects

Since 2014Researcher at the Aerial Archive of the Department of Prehistoric and Historical Archaeology, University of Vienna
2017-2019Research assistant at Interreg project Iron-Age-Danube, Monumentalized Early Iron Age Landscapes in the Danube River Basin
2013-2014, 2016Prospection in Burgenland, aerial reconnaissance, aerial archaeological interpretation, archiving
2010-2014 Research assistant (predoc) at the Department of Prehistoric and Historical Archaeology, University of Vienna
2007-2009 Aerial archaeological interpretation and mapping of the civilian town of Carnuntum, its environs and the antique roads Carnuntum-Gerulata, Carnuntum-Scarbantia and Carnuntum-Vindobona


Research assistant in the project „Prähistorische und antike Verkehrswege in den Ostalpen“, Austrian Academy of Sciences (project director ao. Univ.-Prof. Dr. O. Urban), orthorectification, mapping and archaeological interpretation of aerial photographs of the Eastern Alpine region


Research assistant in project P16449 of the Austrian Science Fund „Die Kelten im Hinterland von Carnuntum“ (project director Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. M. Doneus), orthorectification, mapping and archaeological interpretation of aerial photographs
1991-2002Participation in surveys, geophysical prospection and excavations in Austria and Greece


University Teaching

Since 2014 Lectures on aerial archaeology and airphoto interpretation
Since 2006 Lectures on AutoCAD for archaeologists
2000-2005 Tutor for the lecture on AutoCAD for archaeologists



Klammer J., Doneus M., Fornwagner U., Fera M., Archäologische Prospektion auf Basis von Fernerkundungsdaten: Erfahrungen und Ergebnisse einer systematischen Aufnahme im Nord- und Mittelburgenland. In : Österreichische Zeitschrift für Kunst und Denkmalpflege. LXXI, 1, 2017, S. 54-61.

Doneus M., Fornwagner U., Liem J., C. Sevara, APIS - A Digital Inventory of Archaeological Heritage Based on Remote Sensing Data. In: ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. 4, 2W2, 2017, S. 67-73.

Doneus Michael, Fera Martin, Zámolyi András, Draganits Erich, Fornwagner Ulrike, Remote Sensing and Environmental Archaeology: Mapping a river system and predicting the location of archaeological sites in the Leitha-valley (Austria). In: Abstracts. XVII World UISPP Congress, 1-7 Sept. 2014. Burgos 2014, 358.

Doneus M., Fornwagner U., Kiedl C., APIS – Archaeological Prospection Information System. In: Neubauer W., Trinks I., Salisbury R.B., Einwögerer C. (Hrsg.), Archaeological Prospection, Wien 2013, S. 317 f.

Doneus M., Briese C., Fera M., Fornwagner U., Griebl M., Janner M., Zingerle M-C. 2007, Documentation and Analysis of Archaeological Sites Using Aerial Reconnaissance and Airborne Laser Scanning. In: A. Georgoupulos (Ed.), Anticipating the future of the cultural past. Proceedings of the XXIst International Symposium CIPA, Athens 2007. The International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol. XXXVI-5/C53, 2007, 275-280.

U. Fornwagner, Zur Hermeneutik des Miniaturfrieses aus dem Westhaus in Akrotiri, Thera. 2004.

U. Fornwagner, Die Fresken in der Kirche Agios Georgios(?). In: N. Schlager und Mitarbeiter, Minoische bis rezente Ruinen im fernen Osten Kretas, ÖJH 66, 1997 Beibl. 70-73.