Curriculum Vitae

Education & Academic Carreer


Professeur invité du labex TransferS (École normale supérieure et Collège de France)

Since 2014

Head of the Department for Prehistoric and Historical Archaeology, University of Vienna


Director of the Vienna Institute for Archaeological Science (VIAS)

Since 2011

Professor for landscape and environmental archaeology at the Department of Prehistoric and Historical Archaeology, University of Vienna


Deputy-Director and Key-Researcher at the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Archaeological  Prospection and virtual Archaeology (


“Vertragsdozent” at the Department for Prehistoric and Historical Archaeology, University of Vienna.


Habilitation at the Department of Prehistoric and Historical Archaeology, University of Vienna.


Ph.D., Department for Prehistoric and Early Historic Archaeology, University of Vienna (Dissertation: “Die Keramik der mittelneolithischen Kreisgrabenanlage von Kamegg, NÖ”.


Director of the aerial archive at the Department of Prehistoric and Historical Archaeology, University of Vienna.


Master of Philosophy at the Department of Prehistorical and Historical Archaeology, University of Vienna


Study of Prehistoric and Historical Archaeology and study of Classical Archaeology at University of Vienna. Selected lectures at the Institutes of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing and Geodesy at the Technical University of Vienna.




Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG) 2013 Honors & Award Recipient


Best paper award at the XXIVth CIPA International Symposium: Recording, Documentation and Cooperation for Cultural Heritage, 9 February 2013, INSA Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France


Tewkesbury Fellowship der Universität Melbourne, Faculty of Engineering, Australien


Best Paper Award: “Digital terrain modeling for archaeological interpretation within forested areas using full-waveform laserscanning.” CIPA-VAST-EG-EPOCH-EuroMed Joint Event, Nikosia, Zypern, 30.10.-04.11.2006


Best Poster Award: “Anaglyph Images – Still a Good Way to look at 3D Objects?” XVII. CIPA-Symposium, Recife, Brasilien

University Teaching

Doneus: Teaching @ UNIVIE

Selected Projects

since 2004Aerial reconnaissance in the area of Mazara del Vallo / Sicily (in cooperation with the community of Mazara del Vallo and Sopraintendenza di Trapani).
2004-2005Photogrammetrical rectification and aerial archaeological interpretation of all Middle Neolithic circular ditch systems in Lower Austria (in cooperation with ZAMG)
2004-2006„Die Kelten im Hinterland von Carnuntum“. Aerial archaeology as a basis for landscape archaeology in the Leitha region (Austrian Science Fund).
2004-2006IP 404001 – GIS-based georeferencing of all aerial photographs of the aerial archive at the department for Prehistoric and Early Historic Archaeology.
2004-2007Basic research on aerial archeology in alpine regions as part of the project: „Prähistorische und antike Verkehrswege in den Ostalpen –  zur Dokumentation und Rekonstruktion archäologischer Siedlungs-, Wirtschafts- und Verkehrsstrukturen mit Hilfe eines Katasters archäologischer Fundstätten  (KAFAlp)“. (Austrian Academy of Sciences. Head of project: Prof. O. Urban).
2006-2008„LiDAR-supported prospection in woodland“ (Austrian Science Fund).
2007Aerial archaeological interpretation and mapping of the „canabae legionis” in Carnuntum. (cooperation: County of Lower Austria).
2008Aerial archaeological interpretation and mapping of the „civil town” in Carnuntum. (cooperation: County of Lower Austria).
2009Luftbildarchäologische Kartierung des römischen Straßensystems im Großraum Carnuntum. Finanzierung: ÖAW.
since 2010Cooperative projects with the LBI ArchPro and its partner organizations in: England (Stonehenge), Norwegen (Larvik / Vestfold), Schweden (Birka und Uppåkra), Deutschland (Breitenbach und Stubersheim), and Austria (Carnuntum, Halbturn, St. Anna, Kreuttal). Finanzierung: LBG und Partnerinstitutionen.
2011In Kooperation mit dem Center for Nordic Studies (Dr. Alexandra Sanmark) und UFG Wien (Dr. Natascha Mehler):  ALS-Scans in Shetland im Rahmen von „The Assembly Project – Meeting-places in Northern Europe AD 400-1500“. Finanzierung: Natural Environment Research Council, England. 
2012-2014P24116-N23: Automated georeferencing and orthorectification of archaeological aerial photographs. Finanzierung: FWF

Partner in: Functions of an Egyptian town - Case study of Tell el-Dabá; FWF P25804. Principal Investigator: Irene Forstner-Müller, ÖAI.

2014-2016Partner in: P26368 Stone monuments and Stone Quarrying in the Carnuntum - Vindobona Are. Principal Investigator: Gabrielle Kremer, ÖAI.
2016-2018Prospecting Boundaries: Archaeology along the Mazaro, Sicily. FWF P28410.
2017-2019Iron-Age-Danube (EU - Interreg)
2020-2022Danube's Archaeological Elandscapes (EU - Interreg)

International Conferences

since 1991Presentation of papers and posters (integrated prospection, aerial archaeology, archiving, photogrammetry, GIS, digital documentation of cultural heritage, digital documentation of excavations and airborne laserscanning) on workshops and conferences in Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Finland, Germany, Greece, Great Britain, Holland, Hungary, Iceland, Indonesia, Italy, Ireland, Japan, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey, Rumania, USA.